Chopstick Chatter

China: Through my eyes

Monday, July 26, 2010

Chasing my Qi

So, it all comes full circle.
I went to the hospital for pain, discover I have 2 tumors. Surgery removes them, pain continues. Did multiple tests to figure out what was causing pain- get multiple diagnoses. Try cures, medicine doesn't work. I was tired of it. Tired and frustrated. Finally, I decide to fight my mysterious Chinese illness with mysterious Chinese medicine. When in Rome- right? Well, when in China- go to an acupuncture specialist.

I met this TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor through a good Chinese friend of mine. Her mother is renowned for her work in Beijing. She is someone who teaches others the art of acupuncture. The only way to get an appointment is if you personally know her. Thank goodness she let her daughter's foreign friend in for a consultation.

She saw me in her home, which is where she practices. I sat down on a wooden chair while Angella (friend) interpreted her questions and my answers. I told her about the constant pain in my abdomen. She asked to see my tongue, then she examined my ears. She also wanted to take a look at my palm because apparently the lines on your hand change. They can indicate health or even mental stress in your life. She told me, if you take a picture of your palms today, the lines won't be the same in a year because you will be going through something different. I thought that was incredibly interesting.

I was then led into the bedroom where I laid down and lifted up my shirt. She gently put her hand on my belly and said, "Tong?", which means pain in Chinese. I was floored. She didn't have to feel around and painfully press all over like the surgeon, gynecologist and internal medicine specialist did. She knew exactly where to put her hands and could feel what she called knots.

Next came the needles. She told me I would feel a prick but should not feel pain. She was right. I can't say acupuncture is a comfortable experience when the doctor puts the needles in. You do feel small jabs, but it isn't like getting a shot. On my first round of treatment I had more than 50 needles sticking out of my belly.

The sensation was incredible. Had I not experienced this myself, I wouldn't believe it. As soon as she put the needs on the left side of my belly, I could feel my body opening up. The pain instantly went away from that area. It is hard to describe, but it was this numbing, soothing release. The right side of my abdomen was more of a challenge. She would put a needle in and the pain would move. I could literally feel it go to a different part of my body. It had also changed shape from a band of pain, to a small ball. Sounds crazy, but this is the best way I can explain what I experienced.

The more needles went in, the more the pain moved. At one point it even shifted to my back. The TCM doctor put a needle in my side and the pain came back to my belly. I had to laugh. I would tell her where it was and you could see that this woman understood all my poor descriptions of what I was experiencing. Then she said something I will never forget: "I am chasing your Qi." What?! She asked me if I felt completely comfortable with my life in China. I said no. There has always been this unease here. I worry about the germs, pollution, getting lost, surviving, contributing at work, loved ones back home, etc., etc.. I have never truly felt like this was my home.

She says I have been storing up all that stress in my body. It decided to sit in my abdomen. Over time it built up to the point it was causing me physical pain. My western brain is highly skeptical of this theory. There must be a reason that can be explained medically. Perhaps I had a bacterial infection, slight hernia, another tumor? All those tests done at the hospital showed none of these things. Their medicines didn't work. This woman sticks needles in me and I instantly feel some relief. I know who I believe- logical or not. There are just somethings you can't explain but just trust, and this is one of them.

I lay with the needles in my belly for about an hour. The ball of pain never went away during that session but it did get smaller. The doctor told me my treatment wouldn't be like popping a balloon. She said it will take time and prescribed another 10 visits to see her. I have to say, I have enjoyed every one. Sometimes she focuses on my belly button, other times I have had needles on my legs. The point is to open up and redirect circulation. I can feel that happening the instant she puts a needle in. One morning I even had a headache when I went to visit her. A needle near my breastbone got rid of it- simple as that. At another session, I talked about my low energy. She says I will give you a treatment to make you feel lighter. Sure enough, I left that room feeling like I could walk on air.

I am not done with my course of acupuncture yet. You can't do it when you menstruate. You also have to take care of your health by getting plenty of sleep. All this I am learning. I am also learning that this ancient medicine is worth giving some credence to. I can't explain why it works, I don't understand how it works, but I do know that it does work for me. It also looks freaking cool.