Chopstick Chatter

China: Through my eyes

Sunday, January 17, 2010

WTF Wednesday- That's Nasty

AAHHGG! I can't get this picture to show up any larger. Perhaps you will say that is a good thing after I tell you what this is.

So, walking back from lunch one day I notice this man with a blow torch. I also smell something horrendous. Upon closer inspection, because of course that is what one does when awfulness is abound, I see hooves. These are chopped off pigs feet that are being grilled up for something that is no doubt appetizing I'm sure.

WTF dude- you can't grill your pig legs inside?! You have to take a blow torch to them on a public sidewalk, close to some poor person's vehicle gas tank? I am sure that contraption you are using meets all health and safety standards.

Speaking of standards, I wanted to share my recent grocery store experience because it is one of the least pleasant things to do here in China.

For one, after a year and a half here, I still don't know what half the stuff is on the shelves. Secondly, there are a lot of abrasive smells all mixed together waiting to assault my nose. Third, I am glad I am not a vegetarian because animal carcasses are everywhere. You look right, there is some fish with eyeballs staring at you. Look left, pig parts that should not be seen, yet alone eaten. The fourth reason I hate the grocery stores here is the sales people. They all want you to buy their products and feel the best way to do this is to strap on a microphone, yell in to it when you are 1 foot away and grab your arm or cart. I get so agitated by people yelling at me while I try to shop, I just have to clinch my jaw and try not to punch them in the face. Want to see for yourself how damn annoying and loud this is? Watch this:

Friday, January 8, 2010

WTF Wednesday- The Postage Stamp

Well, I am going to have to call it quits after this WTF posting people. This one takes the cake. There simply is no topping it. Chopstick Chatter will officially 'jump the shark' after this.

I get back to Beijing, after what one can only describe as a fabulous trip home to WI for Christmas, only to find another 'present' waiting for me. My Chinese colleagues hand me the above book.

I am used to work putting out morale boosting publications. My picture has been in several small books and magazines, but never before have I seen this.

You are looking at a commemorative book of postage stamps. They are real. For 80 cents you can mail something with my picture on it. As you can tell, my other colleagues from the English TV News Department are also featured. I know- WTF?!

Of course, the photo they chose to use of me is mid-sentence. Hold your yakety yak wisecracks, I know I talk a lot.

But before you get too excited, I do have to say, I only received one book. That means you will not be getting a greeting card with my mug on it. For this I think we all should be grateful.