Chopstick Chatter

China: Through my eyes

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Every day is Black Friday

I don't know what is going on over there in the U.S..

I understand everyone is broke and looking for shopping bargains, but trampling someone to death? Wow. That was one dangerous Black Friday.

And I thought shopping in China was crazy
... (you have to see this video, so click on the link.)

This is a market in Chengdu. I would describe it as a warehouse with rows and rows of closet-sized stores and stalls. To buy something, you have to bargain. The vendor makes one offer and you have to try and haggle for a lower price. You don't have to know Chinese to do this. They just type a number on the calculator, then you type in a number. This goes back and forth until an agreement is reached.

In some cases, you end up walking away shaking your head. Either the seller will let you go or will magically come up with a lower price. At that point you have to buy the item or risk insulting him/her.

I wouldn't recommend that. They will yell something in Chinese down the aisle. I assume they are telling other vendors that you are a bad shopper. Expect bad deals after that.

As you can see from this picture, vendors cram as much merchandise in their space as possible. There's just enough room for one person to "shop," however, the Chinese always seem to ignore that personal space rule.

My motto: Go in with a specific goal. You don't want to waste time and energy digging for something you might want.

Outside, this is how clothing from nearby factories is delivered. These huge bundles are piled up everywhere.
You can't see them, but there are workers sitting on top of these goods. I'm sure they were taking a much needed break. I wished I could have gone up there and joined them.


Blogger Your PR Pal said...

I just had a bizarre thought.

You know how the Asian stereotype in the U.S. is that all Asians walk around with their cameras around their necks at all times, snapping pictures of everything?

I just realized that you look just like that to them. Do you think that they think all Americans do is walk around snapping photos?

December 11, 2008 at 10:09 AM  
Blogger Chopstick Chatter said...

NO because I carry my camera in my bag and then take it out to snap one or two photos. I don't take pictures of everything nor do I wear my camera around my neck.

Plus, Chinese tourists in China actually do wear their camera around their neck and take pictures all the time so it is not an American phenomenom.

December 11, 2008 at 10:17 PM  

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