Chopstick Chatter

China: Through my eyes

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

WTF Wednesday- Chucky in China

So this is a new, weekly series I am starting called WTF Wednesdays. Basically, I plan on posting things that I encounter on my big Asian adventure that stop me in my tracks and make me go- WTF?!

As you can see, I am starting off with a doozy, and no you aren't hallucinating- that is a woman and her child riding a motorized teletubby.

There were also pandas on wheels...

Oh yes, and more teletubbies. This one is strong enough to take this grown man for a ride. But perhaps the freakiest thing of all were these Chucky-like dolls.

From this picture they look harmless, but just watch this video for your WTF moment of the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfectly normal! I mean these kids have to learn Rickshaws are a mode of transportation somehow. American kids have mini-corvettes and trucks!

For the pandas and teletubbies, too funny! Why didn't you take one for a spin?!

Oh, one last game. Can you find the Ronald McDonald in one of your pics?


October 21, 2009 at 12:22 AM  
Anonymous BrandonK said...

Also WTF-worthy:

October 21, 2009 at 4:43 AM  

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