Chopstick Chatter

China: Through my eyes

Friday, April 17, 2009


Sorry about being bad about keeping the blog updated during the Mom's visit to Beijing. I have kept everyone so busy that we haven't had much time to sleep let alone get online.

Anyways, here are some of the pictures from their trip. Stories to come...

They leave tomorrow (Friday) and I can't believe it went so fast. Hope I can hold back the tears at the airport....

Previous post:

My Mom and Aunt Mary arrive in Beijing Friday afternoon!!! I am SO excited. I haven't seen any family in 7 months (which is a record I believe).

If you have ever met these two, then I am sure you know how crazy they are... constantly laughing and always having a good time. You probably also know that they say and do things that don't always make a lot of sense. In fact, sometimes I wonder if I really am related.

This trip will prove to be the source of many entertaining stories- of this, I am sure. My plan is to update this page with all the craziness, so check back if you just can't get enough...

In fact, it's already started.

1. While on a web chat with my mom and aunt the day before their flight, I suggested they write down my cell phone number in case we can't find each other at the airport. When I finish telling them what it is- my Mom says, "Gretchen, we don't need all those numbers."

WTF Mom?! Do you think I am just giving you a few extra for shits and giggles? Yes, you need all the numbers if you want to actually call me. This is a country of 1.3 billion people. It is not Monroe, WI where 7 numbers gets you in touch with who you want. For the love.

2. They are both very worried about using squattie potties. The concern is that once they bend down, they won't be able to get back up. I can just see it now- I will have to cram myself into a stall with them to help them up while their pants hang precariously around their ankles.

They also are worried about "missing the target" and hitting their shoes or pants instead. To this, my friend Michael made a suggestion: try peeing in a funnel. Hmmm, thinking about it- it might actually work. I couldn't find one here in the WuMart, so they are bringing one with.

My aunt also had another idea. On the same web call she says this, "Oooh, I just washed out a used mayonnaise jar. I will bring that along to carry in my purse so we can pee in that." I told her NOT to do this, we will see if she listens.

I can't believe I will be walking around Beijing with 2 women carrying a funnel and a mayo jar for potty breaks. Bust out the alcohol people- this is going to be a long 2 weeks.


Blogger Katie said...

hehe. Sounds like you're going to have a fun visit!! That's so awesome that they are coming to visit!

Looking forward to reading the details!!

April 19, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

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